The Daily Perspective Podcast

SHOW NOTES: Thursday, November 19, 2020

SHOW NOTES: Thursday, November 19, 2020

Rep. Mo Brooks: Congress Has ‘Absolute Right’ to Reject a State’s Electoral College Votes MICHIGAN:Wayne County Canvassers Board Republicans...
Letter to an Anti-Trump Christian Friend

Letter to an Anti-Trump Christian Friend

This morning I shared the link to this letter, and I wanted you to have access to the PDF version. So here it is! Considering that there are those well-meaning souls among us who insist that Donald Trump is morally unfit to be president I think it’s...
The Plot Thickens

The Plot Thickens

A lot has been said in the news and on social media recently about Trump contesting the outcome of the election if he doesn’t win. As is always the case there is always a source for such things, and I believe this may be that source, or at least one source, for...
SHOW NOTES: Thursday, November 19, 2020

SHOW NOTES: Friday, August 7, 2020

Airline Will Pay For Your Funeral If You Get COVID-19 While Traveling MLB Will Monitor Hotels To Make Sure Players Follow COVID-19...