Boris Johnson Wins in U.K. Landslide. Polls predicted close vote.
* So polling in England is fake news, too.
Oh, Come On: Snopes Fact-Checkers Demand White House Explain Trump’s Babylon Bee Tweet
Democrat Congressman Watches GOLF During Impeachment Hearing
Republicans fume as Nadler postpones Trump impeachment vote until Friday morning
*There’s no viewership a midnight.
* The UK election got a lot of attention last night, so Democrats want to stretch this out for another day to get attention focused back on them.
* THIS is one reason Americans dislike Congress and give it a 9% approval rating.
Obama Attorney General Eric Holder: William Barr ‘Unfit’ For Office
* Hello? Fast & Furious?
* “Obama “wing man” Eric Holder, who was held in contempt by Republicans and Democrats, whose DOJ gave thousands of guns to narco terrorists who killed hundreds, has serious thoughts about Bill Barr.” – Katie Pavlich tweet
Democrat Ponders Trump Kidnapping Foreign Leaders’ Daughter. White House Fires Back.
* Johnson on Guam:
Graham says he won’t call any impeachment witnesses in Senate committee: ‘It’s a crock’
Is Trump the Only Adult in the Room? – Victor Davis Hanson
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