FYI Alabama: California’s Kamala Harris is fundraising for Doug Jones.
*The Harris fundraising help comes as Californians continue to comprise Jones’ biggest donor base.
*In the past three quarters, Jones raised 77%, 88% and 88%, respectively, of his individual itemized contributions from outside the state of Alabama.
Trans Custody Case: 7-Year-Old Whose Mother Insists He’s a Girl Just Went to School as a Boy
Kamala Harris Proposes A 10-Hour School Day
*Do you want YOUR kids under government influence ten hours per day??
No, Kentucky Isn’t Turning Blue, Here’s Why
*Shenanigans? Probably. There are reports that there were many governor-only votes, and every other office had Republican wins, including atty gen with over 800K votes. Republicans voting for all Republicans EXCEPT governor?? Things that make you go hmmmm…..
Libertarian Party of Kentucky celebrates GOP governor’s defeat: ‘Bevin supporters, your tears are delicious’
*Remember Ross Perot? He split the vote for president, and we all suffered under eight years of a Clinton presidency, and we also got Hillary and her legacy of lies and corruption.
WAKE UP GOP! After Facebook Eliminates Conservative Content to Suburban Voters Democrats Have Another Big Night in Kentucky and Virginia
Schiff Announces First Public Hearings in Sham Impeachment Inquiry to Begin Next Wednesday
‘Coup has started,’ whistleblower’s attorney said in 2017 posts calling for impeachment
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