The Daily Perspective Podcast

Rush Limbaugh announces he has ‘advanced lung cancer’

Trump gaffes on Kansas City* – Obama didn’t even know he was in Kansas City
* Seeing as the left is pouncing on Trump for mistakenly typing Kansas instead of Missouri, the number one gaffe on this goes to Obama’s not knowing he was literally in Kansas City. During a satellite chat during the Democratic National Convention in 2008, Obama said, “I’m here with the Girardo family here in St. Louis.”
* FYI: Kansas City sits on the state line between Kansas and Missouri. You can be in Kansas City and be in either state depending on where you are at the time. BUT, the Chiefs are from Missouri.

Iowa caucus vote totals delayed amid ‘inconsistencies’; campaigns lash out at ‘crazy’ state party
* Brought to you by the same tech-savvy people who brought you the $5 BILLION Obamacare website – which was buggy and didn’t work properly for long after it’s launch.
* Remember: THESE are the people assuring you that their brand of government is capable of handling everything in your life.

Murkowski Announces How She’ll Vote on Impeachment

Joe Manchin Slams ‘Partisan’ Impeachment, Wants Censure Instead
* In order to vote for censure you must agree with the Democrats that Trump has done something worthy of punishment, which they have failed to prove.

FRANKEL: Why Society Is Immature And Refuses To Grow Up
*Adam Savage
*Disney parks & cruises
*Entertainment culture
